Friday, January 12, 2007

The Mediawhore

Ernest has been on the Jumbotron (Canucksvision) at GM Place more times than the 'stacked' girls in the tight t-shirts! He has also been on almost every local news channel and was even lucky enough to be shown on Hockey Night in Canada a couple of years ago with Lisa... Lucky, because he was with Lisa, not because he got on TV. That happens all the time.

Earl and I don't normally care to be on TV, but things might be different when we are in the opposition's building and the Canucks are scoring up a storm. Expect us to bring back 'high-fiving', and to see me shaking my ass in some Hab-fan's face, while mouth the words "How do you like that, Andre?" to the camera. Or simply, the 'shocker'.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

hold up the shocker for me baby! haha